Body Mass Index Calculator

Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to determine the appropriateness of your weight relative to your height. This Calculator is used for the age of more than 20 Years. (

Please enter value between 125 and 225.
Please enter value between 10.0 and 500.0 ( one decimal ).
Calculate BMI
Use this calculator to check your body mass index (BMI), which can be a helpful tool in determining your weight category. Or, use it to calculate your child’s BMI.

Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan

optimal weight 5 and 1 planThe Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan teaches the habit of consuming six small meals a day as the first step towards weight loss. This plan encourages the body to enter a state of fat burning while preserving lean muscle mass. With over 60 options of scientifically designed Fuelings, you can easily find the perfect meal for your nutritional needs. Alongside the daily consumption of five Fuelings, the plan also educates on the importance of preparing a Lean & Green meal for both yourself and your family. By understanding the principles of optimal nutrition, healthy eating becomes an effortless habit.

Children Body Mass Index Calculator

BMI, a measurement of weight in relation to height, assesses the healthiness of your weight. This Calculator is used for the age of below than 20 Years. Children BMI Calculator (19 years or below)

BMI Calculator
Select gender
Please enter value between 0 and 19 years.
Please enter value between 40 and 225.
Please enter value between 10.0 and 250.0 ( one decimal ).
Calculate BMI
Use this calculator to check your body mass index (BMI), which can be a helpful tool in determining your weight category. Or, use it to calculate your child’s BMI.
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