BreakfastGreekOptavia Fueling HacksOptavia Recipes

Lean & Green Greek Yogurt Breakfast Bark


½ Fueling ½  Lean1 Condiment

Are you looking for something new to eat for breakfast? Try this Greek Yogurt Breakfast Bark hack, which is very simple and a fantastic way to mix things up!

DifficultyServingsCooking TimePrep Time
Easy20 minutes10 Minutes



  • 12 oz Plain Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
  • 1-2 packet Zero-calorie sugar substitute
  • 1 sachet OPTAVIA Essential Red Berry Crunchy O’s Cereal



  1. In a medium mixing dish, combine Greek yogurt and sugar substitute.
  2. Fill the bottom of an 8″ x 8″ baking dish with non-stick foil. In an even layer, spread Greek yogurt in the baking dish.
  3. Sprinkle the Red Berry Crunchy O’s Cereal over the yogurt.
  4. Allow to sit overnight, or chill in the freezer for 4 to 5 hours or overnight until hardened.
  5. With a sharp knife, cut the bark into smaller pieces. Leftovers should be stored in freezer-safe bags or containers in the freezer.

Optavia Recipes

We're working hard to create the most thorough and user-friendly list of lean green meals accessible at once. All of these lean and green recipes and lean and green meals have been evaluated and are on the OPTAVIA 5 & 1 plan. OPTAVIA lean and green recipes are a vital part of staying on track for your weight loss efforts. You'll also get complete nutrition information for every recipe, including macro and micronutrients, according to the USDA requirements. Furthermore, since the Lean and Green Recipes OPTAVIA were developed by expert chefs and nutritionists, you can be confident that you're receiving a nutritious and delectable meal! We've also gathered some of the most effective OPTAVIA fueling hacks for you. Almost all of them are OPTAVIA fuel hacks, so you know they're on track!

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